Behind negative returns for shares of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is trading down Tuesday afternoon. The Dow DJIA, 0.34% was most recently trading 55 points, or 0.2%, lower, as shares of McDonald’s MCD, -0.60% and Coca-Cola KO, -0.34% are contributing to the index’s intraday decline. McDonald’s’s shares have fallen $4.97 (2.0%) while those of Coca-Cola are down $0.84, or 1.5%, combining for a roughly 38-point drag on the Dow. Procter & Gamble PG, -0.29%, JPMorgan Chase JPM, 1.66%, and Walt Disney DIS, 1.13% are also contributing significantly to the decline. A $1 move in any of the benchmark’s 30 components equates to a 6.59-point swing.