The Dow Jones Industrial Average is falling Thursday morning with shares of Apple and Cisco seeing the biggest losses for the price-weighted average. Shares of Apple AAPL, -4.24% and Cisco CSCO, -1.62% have contributed to the index’s intraday decline, as the Dow DJIA, -0.46% was most recently trading 216 points, or 0.7%, lower. Apple’s shares have dropped $4.14 (2.9%) while those of Cisco have declined $1.10, or 2.5%, combining for an approximately 35-point drag on the Dow. Also contributing significantly to the decline are Visa V, -3.09%, Salesforce CRM, -2.45%, and Walt Disney DIS, -2.52%. A $1 move in any of the Dow’s 30 components results in a 6.59-point swing.